Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Iron Man
By Ted Hughes
Homework Task;
Making an Iron Man from materials found at home.
Design Brief;
To design and construct an Iron Man .
Your Iron Man must be made from materials found at home. For example boxes, tin foil, cardboard cylinders, paper, tins, wire. Anything you can think of that would make an effective Iron Man.
Your Iron Man must have a face.
Must show creativity.
Must not be more than 50cm tall.
Must be able to stand by itself.
You may ask for assistance from members of your family.
Your Iron Man must be completed in two weeks time. Please make sure you bring it to school by the 15th of March.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Welcome to Room Ones Blog For 2012

Welcome to all the new students to Room One this year. Our class blog is a place where you can learn, display your own work, play learning games and have fun.
Sometimes you will find inforamtion to help you with your inquiry studies or your homework.
You can make comments on this blog as long as they are sensible and respectful to all the other students who may be using this blog spot.
We have a really busy year ahead of us, with lots of exciting activities for you to do.
Make sure you particpate in all that Bellevue School has to offer.
Have a great year.
Mrs Ireland


Hi Room One

I hope you have a great holiday.

When you get back to school we will be looking at the Olympic Games, The Titanic and doing some character writing.
Have a look at the You Blisher. Its like a book and you can turn the pages as you read.

See you next term .

Mrs Ireland

Room One Cross Country 2012

Room One Cross Country  2012

2012 Triathlon

2012 Triathlon on PhotoPeach

The Ironmen of Room One

The Iron men of Room One on PhotoPeach