Saturday, March 17, 2012

Making Our Own ComicsThis week we are going to make comics of our own. To do this you need to have made sure you have completed all your writing tasks before you start creating a comic story.
When you are ready, think hard about what sort of comic you want to create.
Remember the writing rules of Room One.
Now have a look at the links I have created for you and enjoy learning about how to make a comic strip of your own.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week Seven
Reading topics are varied and interesting this week. From space,to rats, to hedgehogs.
Find your reading topic and extend your knowledge.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Mathematics Central
There are lots of games and Mathematics information for you to enjoy. Some of these will be part of your maths lessons and some of the activities will be free choice.
The activities will change depending on what Mathematics activity we are doing..
Remember you have to learn your times tables. Use the sites to help you do this


Hi Room One

I hope you have a great holiday.

When you get back to school we will be looking at the Olympic Games, The Titanic and doing some character writing.
Have a look at the You Blisher. Its like a book and you can turn the pages as you read.

See you next term .

Mrs Ireland

Room One Cross Country 2012

Room One Cross Country  2012

2012 Triathlon

2012 Triathlon on PhotoPeach

The Ironmen of Room One

The Iron men of Room One on PhotoPeach